UPDATE: 2013 Bradbury White Out


And, we thought last winter was bad…

First off, thanks to the many of you who have already registered for the remaining races in the Bradbury Mountain Snowshoe Series. It takes a leap of faith to put your trust in both the weather and the race organizers. We appreciate it.

However, one of us has let you down. Mother Nature is not to be trusted. And, without a significant change in the forecast before Sunday, February 10, the Bradbury White Out will not be a snowshoe race. Simply put: there isn’t enough snow.

Do not despair. We will still host a fun event at Bradbury Mountain State Park that day at 11:00. We will have soup. We will have t-shirts. We will have prizes. We will have a blast! Why? Because this is Trail Monster Running, and we hit the trails regardless.

We will assess the trails on Saturday to determine the type of event the 2013 Bradbury White Out is going to be. If we feel conditions permit, we will host a trail race. Traction devices will be highly recommended. (Check out our sponsor Icespike.) If we deem conditions too treacherous for a race, we’ll host a fun run. Traction devices will be even more highly recommended. We sincerely hope you’ll join us.

Don’t forget: in order to be earn bad ass status and a chance to win a pair of Dion Snowshoes, you must complete all three events in the series. So, if you want to be a bad ass, get yo bad self there on Sunday.

Thanks for your understanding and your support. We’ll see you at The Brad!

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