Jul 102011

by Ann Alexion  –

Wicked Awesome Sandwiches, Wicked Awesome Tote

My wish for today was to remain upright. I accomplished this.

We ran the Bradbury Scuffle today. Capped at 160 trail runners, it was a sell out crowd. Ian and Ryan put on, as always, an excellent race. In the past, I’ve had some decent bumps and bruises at Bradbury. In 2009, I was contender for the best bruise on this course. During the Bruiser in 2008, I got so lost. Only after begging the park ranger by telling him my husband would be worried, he agreed to drive me to the finish line. So I was pleased today to walk away today bruiseless and making it to finish line. I ran today for a while with some great running partners, Chandra and Kate. Kate powered up hills with a vengence and Chandra consistently picked away at the course. Overall, I finished after them and back of the pack, but the race couldn’t have been any better. George won a Wicked Awesome Bradbury Series tote which he immediately gifted to me Yay me! And randomly, we swung into Edna and Lucy’s and got Wicked Awesome Sandwiches.

Next up in this series is the Breaker.

Keep Dreaming!


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