Sep 102012

by Jamie Anderson –

A Craptastic Bradbury Bruiser Race Report

I can summarize today’s race in two words: Sh– happens.

Before the race, I ran the Island trail for a warm-up while picking up some minor debris from last night’s storm. Legs were feeling fresh and great. Nice. I was psyched for the race!

Then the race started. Went out a touch too fast, but nothing detrimental. I eased up and by the time we reached the Ragan trail, everyone that I figured should be in front of me now was and I knew I was where I should be. I held my ground just fine and everything was on track. I was set in a position I wanted to be in and was moving great with energy to burn and fresh legs that were raring to go.

Then about three and a half or so miles in, it hit. It came out of nowhere, really. Absolutely no signs of trouble at all earlier in the morning. Needless to say, I was pissed. I ducked into the woods, took care of business, and several minutes later I was back on the trail.

Felt fine after that, so I set out again at race pace trying to gain as much ground as possible and I passed about eight runners. Then it hit again about two miles later. Off into the woods for the second time and at that point I resigned to just run the rest easy and finish. Both bio-breaks combined had cost me close to ten minutes.

When I came out back on the trail, I came across Dave who was also taking it easy but for different reasons… he has a 100-miler on tap in a few weeks. Great to run with him up until about halfway through the O-trail. We just took it casually and chatted the whole time we were together.

Came across Scott H. towards the end of the O-Trail. I was with him earlier in the race, but he was having some hip issues and we ended up running the rest of the race together. We’re always pretty close to one another in races, and that was the case again today but for less than desirable circumstances for both of us. Oh well.

It sucks because I knew I was primed to run a really great race today. Looking at the results, I might not have gotten top 10 this time due to a stacked field, but I would have at least come damn close. %&#@!

I guess if there’s a bright side to this, at least I wasn’t injured. Stomach issues are usually an easy fix. I think what caused it was the jambalaya I had for dinner last night. Looking back now that seems like a really stupid dinner to have the night before a 12-mile trail race. I don’t know what I was thinking. Really, really dumb. At least I won’t make the same mistake twice next month at the MDI Marathon. Lesson learned.

w/u: Ran 2.1 miles @ 12:36/mile pace (includes clearing debris)
Race: Ran 12.0 miles @ 9:13/mile pace.
Time: 1:50:31
Overall place: Pfffft, who cares.
Moderately hilly.
Lower-mid 60s, partly cloudy.
New Balance MT100, shorts, sleeveless shirt.

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