Jul 032011

by Ann Alexion – A whole lot of hill and one shoe!

George and I set out early this morning to run the Loon Mountain Race. The Loon Mountain Race is 5.7 Miles to the summit of Loon Mountain. This is an ascent-only race. The race averages approximately a 10% grade with some sections of over 40%.

Conditions were perfect, 60’s and a bit of rain. The first mile went by really quick. Although, I thought I remembered from doing it in the past, the whole race to be only uphill, there were some good downhills. I guess it’s probably around mile 4 and the climb is really tough. I wonder if anyone runs it. I reached the top of the mountain and literally bumped into George who was finishing. George had a great race and said he felt great throughout the whole race.

At one point during the race, I remember literally praying to keep moving forward and up and at another point wondered if my progress up would be better on hands and knees and almost dropped to my knees to try. Looking back praying and on your knees do sort of go together. When the climb was just about unbearable, I could hear George yelling to me to keep going. He ran down and then dragged me up the steepest part and then pushed me to run the downhills. This turned out really well, as I was able to pass maybe 5 people. I finished the last killer little bump to the finish and we took the Gondola down. Since it was raining a bit and overcast, we grabbed a bagel and headed to the car. Due to the lack of oxygen to my brain, I must have left one shoe outside the car, because I came home with only one. Although, totally bummed, I’m glad I have another pair as back up. Running Bradbury next week with one shoe would certainly be a challenge. I’ve been thinking of trying the Inovs, maybe this will give me a good reason. I haven’t been happy with any Asics for more than a couple of years, since they ”improved” my favorite model. Since I figure, everything happens for a reason, I’m getting over it pretty quickly.

We stopped at the little farm store and again got strawberries and biscuits for a treat. An added bonus this time we also got the farm’s lemonade. I do love that little store..I wished it was mine. There I go dreaming again!

So all and all, a great way to spend our day!

Timewise, back of the pack, but before at least 5 other people! 🙂

Keep dreaming!


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