May 132011

Trail Monster George Alexion recently completed his first 100 mile ultra, the McNaughton Ultramarathon in Middlebury, VT. He doesn’t have a blog, but the message he sent me on Facebook could serve as a race report. So:

Hi Val, thanks for all the positive messages and support. My big flat feet with crooked toes were one of my biggest issues. The course had many steep downhills and was muddy. I switched into a pair of Inov Roclites which worked great on the mud, but were jamming the front of my toes badly on the steep downhills you had to brake in order to survive tumbling down. The last 20 miles were painful and had me in tears. Other than that the legs were fine and the only other issue I had was stomach and nutrition. I was unable to eat solid foods after 50 miles and sugar and caffeine left me in a state of dry heaves. At mile 90 I made a bad mistake and had a piece of cake thinking it would absorb some of the pain. After that I hit my worst patch where the wheels came of the bus. I got delerious and didn’t know which was the right way to go, started stumbling through the woods and had an overwhelming feeling to lie down.I haven’t been this wacked out of it the woods in almost 40 years and that involved a pint of South Comfort and a six pack of Colt 45. This is my version of life taking it full circle. Other than that, I found 100’s can be doable. I power hiked just about the whole night and still made it under 30 hours, in a race that had a 36 hour cut off..


  2 Responses to “McNaughton 100 Miler – Mini Race Report”

  1. Yeah George!! Awesome job 🙂 And somehow, I think stumbling around in the woods after running 90 miles seems better than doing so after a pint of Southern Comfort and a six pack of Colt 45, although I’m sure others might disagree 🙂

  2. “Other than that, I found 100s can be doable”. This is another classic for the quote wall…
    Nice work George, you are amazing!!

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